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Soutenir l'hospice

 I am very grateful to anyone who would like to support the work of the hospice to provide comforting, compassionate and responsible care during life and a peaceful, dignified death for my friends.

The hospice receives no government funding and I do all of the fundraising, from individual rather than grant donors. No one is paid and there are very few overheads and admin costs as I own the house and land, so donations go to help give the folk here happy lives and lots of adventures and good things. I wish I could pay for it aw myself but for now I cannae, and much as I can clean chicken sheds and get beaten up by dickheid turkeys aw day, I cannae make money grow so I rely on donations from people who want to join me in giving the folk who live here the best lives and deaths we can. 

Tending ailments and staying healthy

L'hospice repose entièrement sur les dons de personnes qui partagent la conviction qu'il existe une autre façon de vivre et de mourir. Je suis très reconnaissant à tous ceux qui souhaitent soutenir le travail de l'hospice pour fournir des soins réconfortants, compatissants et responsables pendant la vie et une mort paisible et digne pour nos amis.

L'hospice ne reçoit aucun financement du gouvernement, il est entièrement géré par des bénévoles et il y a très peu de frais généraux et d'administration.

Notre collecte de fonds est responsable et transparente et nous ne faisons pas d'appels émotionnels pour de l'argent ou ne demandons pas plus que ce dont nous avons besoin. Cependant, nous comptons sur les dons, nous devons donc demander de l'aide pour donner à nos amis la meilleure vie et la meilleure mort possible.

Si vous souhaitez soutenir notre travail et nous aider à payer les soins vétérinaires vitaux, les aventures et la nourriture des personnes qui habitent l'hospice et le sanctuaire, nous vous en serions très reconnaissants.

Le Maggie Fleming Animal Hospice and The Karass Sanctuary est un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré en Écosse auprès de l'Office for the Scottish Charity Regulator en tant qu'organisation caritative écossaise constituée sous le numéro d'enregistrement SCO46918.


Charles' Hoose

To keep his place nice and tidy to impress the few folk he actually likes.


'Got any biscuits, Mister?'

Keep the woolly lot jacked up on their treats.

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Lucky Dip

Stock up the 'sweetie' cupboard and lucky dip bowl for the dogs - it's very important, so the Auld Stoats tell me


Unashamed Hedonism

The feline folks demand that they are kept in the lifestyle of luxury and idleness to which they have been accustomed and it doesnae come cheap, not that they give a damn.

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Intensive Care

Providing stookies for chookies, x-rays and all other veterinary requirements



A week's food for Andrew, Emily and their pig pals... snufflingly good!

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The Full Cock-a-doodle-doo

195 is a LOT of cockerels who eat a LOT of food... I'll just leave it at that...


The wummin wrote a book! 

Looking after dying animals has taught Alexis what really matters in life - kindness, compassion and love

© 2021 The Maggie Fleming Animal Hospice

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